How can the Russia investigation be a Democratic excuse for Hillary's loss if it started last Ju
On ABC’s This Week yesterday, evil hallucinogenic toad Kellyanne Conway aped Donald Trump’s favorite talking point — namely that Trump is be
If Trump really is innocent of Russian collusion, then he's dumber than a bowl of borscht
If Trump isn't guilty, he’s admitting to a level of stupidity and political ineptitude not seen since the last time a Republican congres
Five times Trump lied about possessing secret information that would vindicate him
This is a common Trump tactic: Signal to your supporters that you have explosive information that vindicates you, and then rely on the news
Let's not forget Trump is an idiot: His own words, not Comey's, are the most damning
As tempting as it is to parse every word of James Comey's testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee today, there's really o
Trump thinks the FBI has magical powers to prove that he never hired any hookers
It's tempting to suspect Donald Trump is some kind of shrewd Machiavelli who's galvanized a powerful bloc of moron voters by pretend
After yesterday, what are the chances Trump will burn down the White House for the insurance money?
Donald Trump just had one of the worst days for a president in history.

Special snowflake Donald Trump definitely doesn't want you to see this hypocritical attack on Hi
We can say with great surety that no one on the planet is more entitled, whiny, ill behaved, or emotionally fragile than Donald Trump.

He might be the best president Russia has ever had
So Trump fired FBI Director James Comey because ... Comey had mistreated Hillary Clinton. Now he's just fucking with us, right?

Because Hillary's popular-vote win is the new Rosie O'Donnell
We've intimated before that Donald Trump has read only two books — one by Hitler and one with no words — but that's obviously an exa